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Since 21st July 2016, Admiral Taverns has adhered to the provisions of the SBPA Voluntary Code of Practice in relation to its tied pubs on substantive agreements in Scotland.

The SBPA Voluntary Code of Practice places obligations on Admiral and sets out the way we should interact with our tied tenants. It is binding on both Admiral and our tied tenants in Scotland.

SBPA Voluntary Code of Practice

Much like the Code of Practice for England and Wales, our Scottish Code of Practice is a fundamental aspect of our information provision to our tied tenants in Scotland and meets the criteria set out in the SBPA Voluntary Code of Practice. As well as meeting the requirements of the SBPA Voluntary Code of Practice, our Scottish Code of Practice sets out essential elements of best practice so that we act with integrity and honesty at all times. These additional elements of best practice ensure that our tied tenants in Scotland can rely on us to conduct business in a professional, fair and legal manner and has been issued for the information of existing and prospective tenants.

The Admiral Code of Practice For Scotland
PICA – Service Website

Benchmarking reports can be found by visiting the following websites:

UKHospitality Benchmarking Report 2022 (please note that there is a charge payable for a copy of this report). A copy of the report is also available for Admiral licensees at My Pub Support

You will be aware that yields on real (cask) ales can be affected by sediment created in the conditioning process of the beer as it settles in the cellar of your pub. This sedimentation process is known as the ‘conditioning’ of the cask ale. Allowing each beer the right amount of time to settle before dispense, is a key element of preparing the perfect pint for your customers.

Since not all of the cask contents are available to be served, each brewer individually agrees with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) their own sediment allowance and thus the amount of each cask on which duty should not be paid as it is deemed un-saleable. Yields on cask ales will vary and this will impact upon the number of pints you can serve from each cask.

In order to assist you with your projections on your yields and expected returns, please click the link below where you will be provided with a guide to the sediment allowance for each cask product sold by Admiral Taverns. These are the most recent sediment allowance details which have been provided to us by the respective brewers. We have also provided an estimation of the average saleable volume from each cask. Any changes will be updated as we receive them from each brewer.

Should you require additional information in this area please contact your Business Development Manager who will be pleased to assist.

When purchasing cask beer, please note that all brewers have different sediment allowances (CAS) which have been factored into the Admiral Taverns prices. The table below details the relevant sediment allowances, saleable litres and the equivalent number of saleable pints for all cask products currently available from Admiral Taverns as a guide to assist with selling price and gross profit calculations.

Guide to Sediment Allowance


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